Google Primer
In 2016, I was asked to join the Google Primer team. Google Primer is a low stakes business and marketing learning tool for small businesses offered from Google for free. It provides resources for anything from content marketing strategies to how write an email that get results. The lessons are written to be short, fun, and engaging with quick interaction moments along the way.
While at Primer I worked on many different parts of the product, from A/B testing product ideas, to designing email templates to in-lesson illustrations, I was all hands on deck.
Visual Design and Interaction Tests
Because many of the lessons were complex and had long titles, we tested a "Surprise Me" Feature that pulls up random lessons.
At the time, lessons were only offered as single instances, so we created groupings of lessons around core concepts or markets.
We created multiple iterations of how the lesson packs could be displayed.
The app had zero to little personalization, but we were not ready for a huge technical lift, so we created "personal moments" like greeting, and encouraging you at the time of day you're doing lessons.
We worked on created a larger tagging structure so the app had more depth, learning capabilities, and offerings.
With creating new categories, we needed to figure out how to communicate how much the user knew about a certain topic and how far they had advanced in each, so we created a tracker.
A/B Testing Interactions
Lesson Complete - No Choice on Next Lesson
Lesson Complete - Choices on Next Lesson
Email Templates and strategies
The team
Sandra Nam, Project Lead
Kim Mok, Creative Director
Dylan Ousley, Designer Lead
Hope Friedland, Content Lead
Teo Sores, Marketing Lead
Allie Ball, Product Designer
Justin Cignar, iOS Developer
John Watkinson, Android Developer
Pete Gamlen, Illustration